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Malawian Coffee Selected for CSR Activities

In recent years, as organizations have been increasing their involvement in SDGs, there have been more opportunities for CSR to be looked into and explored. CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility. Nailing down a concrete definition of CSR is difficult, but it is generally understood to be a practice in which social and/or environmental concerns are integrated into business practices and interactions with shareholders. In this article, we will introduce one example of CSR activities through examining the Warm Hearts Coffee Club.

1.Blue Yonder:

Blue Yonder Japan Co plans to give ethical gifts to employees and clients as part of their CSR activities. They have applied for the following Malawian coffee and 30 filters set. We were told two reasons why Malawian coffee from Warm Hearts Coffee Club was selected.

-Profit will be donated to charity.
-It is better to make employees happy with ethical rather than unethical gifts.

The decisive factor in choosing Warm Hearts coffee is that any purchase would be beneficial to global society while also pleasing employees.

By using our Malawian coffee as a gift, we received a donation of about 14,200 school meals for Malawian children. By using Warm Hearts Coffee cLub’s donated coffee for this kind of in-house CSR activity, companies and employees can increase their knowledge and awareness of Malawi and charitable activities.

2.Value Drivers Co:

On Tableloop (a site where which sells products to eliminate food waste) our coffee has been introduced and sold as an ethical product which leads to charitable donations.

3.Oedo Administrative Office:

We have created a Malawian coffee drip pack to be something you can drink while taking a break at work. A small change in which coffee you drink can provide a big change in the world. Thank you very much for joining us in our mission to improve consumptive behavior and make the world a better place!

4.Nakaya Kogei Co:

We send our coffee to our business partners, who use our coffee for mid-year and year-end gifts. People involved in the same job share the same mission, and when drinking the same coffee, can spread the message and have a big effect. As always, thank you so much.

5.Sync Logistics Co:

We received many orders for coffee as part of an internal SDG initiative. Taking this initiative as an opportunity to spread our message and mission throughout the company, it provided a valuable chance for employees to learn about Malawi.

6.Showa Shokai Co:
It was used in my company as a midsummer gift. Due to the transparency in support for Malawi, the company president sympathized with our activities and purchased the coffee for distribution. Thank you very much.

7.Ethical Café:

Using ethical consumption as a keyword, they use the Facebook community to deliver products and concepts to many people. Malawian coffee has been featured before.

8.Hokkaido Coca-Cola:

We received support from Hokkaido Coca-Cola Bottling Co by providing coffee and their own upcycled products. During the crowdfunding, many people learned about coffee and Malawi- it was also a chance to get to know everyone! Thank you very much.

9.Scope Co:
In December 2021, the staff brewed coffee at the event and explained about the product- the background, how to drink it, flavor characteristics, etc. Many people enjoyed it, and we received a good response from the internal company event.


TKM Godo Kaisha used our drip packs as end-of-year gifts distributed to employees and business partners. Thank you for using and supporting us!

11.Issui Manufacturing Co:

Issui Seisakusho Co used our coffee as a gift for customers in the form shown in the picture below. I had a bag of snacks put in, so I was able to take advantage of the coffee gift. Thank you for using us.

12.Yokohama Kiko Co:

Yokohama Kikou Co contacted us as a result of considering SDGs internally and ended up using our coffee as gifts for business partners. Many people were informed about the SDG initiatives that will lead to the eradication of poverty, and it was also a good opportunity to call for support for school meals in Malawi.
As a result of this collaboration, about 4,500 school meals were donated. Thank you for this precious opportunity.

13.Infocom Co:

Infocom Co has used a Malawian coffee drip pack with an originally designed label. Infocom’s Lookat service visualizes and disseminates information about SDG initiatives and is working on transformation of corporate culture and organizational frameworks. We are very honored our coffee organization was chosen to participate in this company’s efforts.

14.Yamaha Music instructor Union:
Our coffee was used as a mid-year gift for lawyers and others who whom we are indebted. The amount of support was equal to about 400 school meals for children in Malawi. Thank you for using our service!

15.Shimada Green Center:

Shizuoka’s Shimada Green Center sold our coffee at their SGC Charity Market. At the Charity Market, a dog adoption event was run by NPO ‘Project to Protect That Little Life’. The adoption meeting is a place where both the procurer and potential adopter of the dog go through a careful examination, making sure the dog will have a wonderful life full of love, and making sure that the adopter is a good fit for the dog.

It can be said that the Charity Market is a place full of charitable spirit. This time, our charity coffee was sold at the adoption event. Thank you for allowing us to sell coffee!

Would you like to use African Fair Trade coffee gifts, profits of which will be donated to the coffee’s country of origin, as part of your company’s CSR activities?

Warm Hearts Coffee Club’s coffee is a drink that benefits global society just by being drunk. Grown without pesticides in the highlands of Malawi, this environmentally friendly coffee is sold with profits being used to fund school meals for children in Malawi. We can provide coffee gift sets according to your specifications, such as for companies that emphasize CSR activities. We have already received orders for in-house gifts from companies in Japan, such as those listed above. We use only AA-ranked specialty coffee beans and have received praise for their high quality and taste.