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Learning & Exploring with Malawian Coffee


1. High School x Warm Hearts Coffee Club
1-1. ●Case Study 1:Salesio Gakuin Junior High and High School
1-2. ●Case Study 2:Hyuga Gakuin Junior High and High School
1-3. ●Case Study 3:Shizuoka Fubata Junior High and High School
1-4. ●Case Study 4:Miyazaki Gakuen Junior High and High School
1-5. ●Case Study 5:Sakurano Seibo High School
1-6. ●Case Study6:Nagano Seisen Women’s Junior High and High School
1-7. ●Case Study 7:Salesian International Junior High and High School
1-8. ●Case Study 8:Zushi Kaisei Junior High and High School
1-9. ●Case Study 9:St. Dominic Junior High and High School
1-10. ●Case Study 10:Shoei Women’s Junior High and High School
1-11. ●Case Study 11:Yokohama Futaba Junior High and High School
1-12. ●Case Study 12:Koka Gakuen Junior High and Senior High School
1-13. ●Case Study 13:Caritas Girls’ Junior High and Senior High School
1-14. ●Case Study 14:Hamamatsu Kaiseikan Junior High and High School
1-15. ●Case Study 15:St.Ursula Gakuin Eichi High School
1-16.●Case Study 16:Junshin Junior High School and Junshin Girls’ High School
1-17.●Case Study 17:Academy for the International Community in Japan
1-18.●Case Study 18:Kagoshima High School
1-19.●Case Study 19:Shokei Junior High and High School
1-20.●Case Study 20:KOEN Girls’ Junior and Senior High School
1-21.●Case Study 21:Fukuoka Futaba Junior and High School
1-22.●Case Study 22:Salesian Polytechnic
1-23.●Case Study 23:Hibarigakaoka Gakuen Junior and High School
1-24.●Case Study 24:Hikarigaoka Girls’ High School
1-25.●Case Study 25:Okinawa Prefectural Naha International Senior High School
1-26.●Case Study 26:Shizuoka Salesio Junior and Senior High School
1-27.●Case Study 27:Seiko Gakuin Junior and High School
1-28.●Case Study 28:Toyohashi Chuo High School
1-29.●Case Study 29:Hyogo Prefectural Ikawadani High School
1-30.●Case Study 30:Eisugakkan High School
1-31.●Case Study 31:Miyazaki Prefectural Miyazaki Minami High School
1-32.●Case Study 32:Tokushima Municipal High School

2. Universities × Warm Hearts Coffee Club
2-1. ●Case Study 1:Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
2-2. ●Case Study 2:Sophia University
2-3. ●Case Study 3:Rikkyo University
2-4. ●Case Study 4:Tsuda Outreach
2-5. ●Case Study 5:Niigata University
2-6. ●Case Study 6:Kanagawa University
2-7. ●Case Study 7:Seibi Gakuen College
2-8. ●Case Study 8:Seisen Jogakuin College
2-9. ●Case Study 9:Doshisha University
2-10. ●Case Study 10:Tsu City College
2-11. ●Case Study 11:University of Tsukuba
2-12. ●Case Study 12:Kanazawa Seiryo University
2-13. ●Case Study 13:Hiroshima University
2-14. ●Case Study 14:Osaka Jogakuin University

2-15. Applying Coffee as a Source of Learning
3. Would you be interested in hosting events like these at your school?”
3-1. ①Learn more about the unique social issues that Malawi faces, and how Seibo Japan and it’s partners are attempting to find solutions
3-2. ②Learn more about “Fair Trade”
3-3. ③Actively participate with and learn how NPOs operate
3-4. ④Learn directly from locals in Malawi, sharing their own experiences

High School x Warm Hearts Coffee Club

At each of the schools included in this article, Warm Hearts Coffee Club engaged in a form of inquiry-based learning. The hope being to not only provide information to the audience, but also allow them to engage with and ask questions concerning the material covered.
By allowing participants to engage with the material, many students were able to present what they learned in various ways. Some students prepared presentations concerning fair trade or Malawi, while others helped in selling coffee at events. Involving students in the actual act of charity helped to better engage them in the subject matter.

●Case Study 1:Salesio Junior and Senior High School

[coffee sales]
At Salesio High School, both junior and senior students joined us in a learning session where they were able to ask questions concerning our organization and Malawi. From there, the students held a sale at the school, selling both tea and coffee provided by Warm Hearts Coffee Club.
While normally Seibo Japan organizes just one event in collaboration with schools, the number of applicants interested in contributing exceeded expectations! Because of this the students helping to sell products were divided into two teams. Overall, after the work from both of these groups, just over 11,246 school lunches in Malawi were funded, a testament to the generosity and hard work of the community at Salesio High School!
By organizing this event, Seibo Japan was happy to provide a real opportunity for students to volunteer in an international cause. In some of the school courses, like geography, students were able to learn about concepts like fair trade or international issues, so being able to take that coursework and apply it into a real situation was an enriching chance.


[volunteer learning program]

Along with the work done at the school, Seibo Japan also hosted a summer volunteer workshop for high school and graduate students. At this workshop, students collaborated in considering how they could best market and spread publicity concerning Warm Hearts Coffee Club. At this workshop they were also introduced to /span>Mobell the larger telecommunication company that helps to fund Seibo Japan directly. Volunteer work like this that students engaged in outside of the school allowed them to develop a further understanding considering how international trade actually works, such as how Seibo Japan and its sponsors facilitate the transportation of products from Malawi to Japan.

Involving students directly in this process helped to connect them to the larger international community. Even though their work is only done in the summer, they were still able to make a positive impact on both Seibo Japan’s domestic operations and the communities that we source from in Malawi.

If you are interested about volunteer activities, please find the details fromhereand we hope you enjoy it!

In the workshop we have introduced in this article, there were students who participated in Mobell Internship Course and also got involved in our activities. Through this online course provided by Mobell, students were able to get a more in-depth, guided look into different facets of charity and social enterprise.

Mobell Online Internship Course

●Case Study 2:Hyuga Gakuin Junior High and High School

At Hyuga High School, Seibo Japan helped in the organization of “Your Bible Project” a sales project focused on fair trade coffee.
To start, the students considered the question: “What is fair trade coffee?”. With that as the basis, they moved forward to finding information online concerning social issues in Malawi, and considered how to best market the fair trade coffee provided by Warm Hearts Coffee Club.
By taking the background information they gathered on their own, students then put together a short video with the aim of educating a class at the school about the communities that grow coffee in Malawi. Along with a presentation to better articulate their findings, this sort of hands-on approach allowed students to better acquaint themselves with the act of fair trade and how coffee from Malawi is shipped to Japan.
Overall, over 130 students at the academy were able to learn about Malawi through videos or short presentations, leading to donations of almost 18,000 school meals in Malawi. Reflecting on the collaboration we were happy to see so many students take the initiative and figure out how they can individually learn more and share this information with those at their school. To have a young group so invested in international issues is a very encouraging sight for our organization!
“The Result of the Fair Trade Coffee Sale”

2021年12月August 2022 Events where students could take their knowledge and organize sales events were held both in December 2021 and August 2022, where an overall 39,500 meals were donated to communities in Malawi. Throughout the whole process, the volunteer students were actively invested in learning more about Malawi and how they could best capture the picture of coffee production in the country in their presentations or workshops. Looking towards the future, we hope to facilitate an online exchange between students and our contacts in Malawi, providing them the opportunity to exchange cultures and sales ideas. By organizing this dialogue between two groups separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, Seibo Japan is honored to serve as the bridge for international communication and teamwork!

●Case Study 3:Shizuoka Futaba Junior High and High School

At Shizuoka Futaba Academy, we held three guided lectures: “Malawi and the Production of Coffee”, “Fair Trade in International Business”, and “How Sales Are Donated”

After these lectures, Seibo Japan participated in the “Futaba Fair Trade Day” an event held by a volunteer group on campus.「At “Futaba Fair Trade Day 」they sold Malawian coffee. Foster Friend, the group responsible for organizing the event, wanted to invite organizations or businesses that engage in fair trade to the school and educate students about their products or the countries that they came from. At this event Seibo Japan was delighted to garner funds for almost 3,300 school lunches in Malawi, a resounding success that would not have been possible without the effort of volunteers at Shizuoka Futaba Academy.
Beyond the lectures and this sales event, we also held a class specifically for the students taking internationally oriented courses, hoping to educate them on our own business operations and how we engage in fair trade. For students that in the future have an interest in engaging in international avenues or business, we were happy to provide our own product as examples of how a non-profit engages in healthy business practice.

December 2021, July 2022, they also held an event and donated 38,300 x school meals for Malawi by selling coffee. They do not help us not only for school meals but also for rebuilding a nursery schoolholding a music event and so on.

●Case Study 4:Miyazaki Gakuen Junior high and High School

In September 2021, Seibo Japan worked with students from Miyazaki Academy in the sale of Malawian coffee.

After the sale event, we invited students to participate in an online voice call where they could learn more about Malawi and what life is like in the country. We were happy to see many students during the session actively engaged, asking many questions concerning how they could best support locals besides the sale of coffee or tea products. To that end, we introduced them to “Cycle of Good”, a charity that Seibo Japan was collaborating with in regards specifically to Malawi.

Along with the sale of coffee, we also offered custom made tote bags from Malawi to any students interested. The tote bags served as another avenue students could take in supporting communities in Malawi besides buying or distributing coffee, an artistic product that students can keep to represent Malawian culture. We are happy to provide both guided lectures where we teach students about Malawi and also real, tangible products from the country to better connect them to the cause!

●Case Study 5:Sakurano Seibo High School

Sakurano Seibo High School has an students group to have their international work with some organizations (called Inter Act) and they sell our coffee and work with a small cafe for children with our charity coffee. . It was fantastic to see the students take initiative and expand their project outside of the school, reaching out to their local community in the process.

As of now, most of Seibo Japan’s collaborations begin with and are organized throughout with close contact with school faculty. That being said, the student-led work engaged at Sakura no Seibo High School was unlike anything we or the school had seen before. We were extremely happy with the result, and hope that moving forward we can help to invigorate more passionate students!

●Case Study 6:Nagano Seisen Women’s High School

In 2021, we were able to host two voice calls with our contacts in Malawi at Nagano Seisen Girl’s High School. At the first online meeting, the students were able to learn about what life is like in Malawi currently, and how Seibo Japan was founded in close partnership with organizations already existing in the country. Throughout this meeting and the second, the actual process that leads to the production of coffee was presented to students, allowing them to get a better picture of how local agriculture in the country leads to products that are shipped across the world to Japan. By participating in these online sessions, we believe the students were able to learn more about both Malawi but also the business and movement of coffee that Seibo Japan and its partners are engaged in.

About the details of their lesson,please find it fromhere.

After the online sessions, students engaged in two different activities. The first was the distribution of Malawian coffee to other students and faculty at the school, and the second was an online interactive course provided by Mobell. Being the company that supports the activities held by Seibo Japan, Mobell offers an online course that allows students to collaborate with each other and learn more about the act of charity in relation to international business.

Similar to other school collaborations, we worked with students to develop a unique design that would be applied to the coffee drip packs sold at the school’s cultural festival. With the design shown in the picture below, we were happy to involve students in the process!

●Case Study 7:Salesian International Junior High and High School

At Salesian International High School, Seibo Japan was given the unique chance to work with the crafts club, helping to make cute individual bags for the product being advertised on campus. While Seibo Japan often collaborates with and incorporates the designs made by students into the drip bags being sold, the event held at this school was special in how much added decoration the crafts club was invested in bringing to life. We hope that in the future Seibo Japan is able to facilitate more activities like this from individual clubs!

●Case Study 8:Zushi Kaisen High School

At Zushi Kaisei High School, Seibo Japan was successful in organizing the sales of more coffee drip packs in collaboration with students. The school has cultivated a unique spirit, one that encourages students to engage in hands-on activities and opportunities outside of the classroom. We were very happy to work with such an energetic group!

●Case Study 9:St. Dominic Junior High and High School

St. Dominic High School, a private school in Setagaya, already holds a number of unique workshops for students to engage with their education in a more hands-on manner. Per the suggestion of a student, Seibo Japan joined in a workshop by providing coffee from our brand, Warm Hearts Coffee Club.
At the event, our coffee was used as a raffle prize, given out to guests who participated in the event!
The photo provided is a picture of one of the drip packs that were given out at this event. The bag was designed with both the school’s name and emblem but also a unique drawing provided by a student.

●Case Study 10:Shoei Women’s Junior High and High School

With coffee provided by Seibo Japan, students from Shoei Girl’s High School sold coffee to other students and faculty. Following the event I was given a small comment from one of the students participating in the event:
“At our school, the student council led efforts to sell products provided by Seibo Japan. Along with garnering funds from guests, we also aimed to better educate and spread information regarding the situation in Malawi and how people can help. By the end of the event we were able to fund the equivalent of 13,000 school lunches, a number far exceeding even our wildest expectations. Moving forward, I hope to use this experience as a stepping stone towards more activities based on service!”

●Case Study 11:Yokohama Futaba Junior High and High School

At Yokohama Futaba High School there is an interesting group called THE EYES, a student group focused primarily on service for those who are visually impaired. We were honored to organize a small workshop with the group at their school, focused on spreading awareness of and support for hot school lunches in Malawi.

●Case Study 12:Koka Gakuen Junior High and Senior High School

In activities related to the SDGs, Koka Gakuen, which has already established a connection with Malawi as a school, is also involved in supporting Malawi through the sale of fair trade coffee. They are enhancing their understanding of the products by actually visiting roasting shops with the staff. In the sales event in June 2023, they donated an amount equivalent to about 1,700 meals for school lunches in Malawi. Thank you very much for your continuous support!

●Case Study 13:Caritas Girls’ Junior High and Senior High School

At Caritas Girls’ Junior and Senior High School, they explain to visitors basic information about Malawi, the challenges it faces, and specific business models and initiatives Japan can undertake to address these issues. As a result, they have organized a sales event where they sell 10g drip packs of coffee.

Interested individuals are encouraged to visit a website via a QR code with a specific URL for Caritas, where they can purchase 100g of coffee grounds (beans). Additionally, they provide information about a subscription service (which acts as ongoing donations) as an option. This flow is referred to as an “upsell” in sales terminology, and by integrating this with a charity element in an educational setting, we realize that events like school festivals become significant learning opportunities.

At Caritas, we track the number of subscribers  through the link. We send reports and expressions of gratitude from our team and the staff in Malawi based on these figures.

●Case Study 14:Hamamatsu Kaiseikan Junior High and High School

At Hamamatsu Kaiseikan Junior and Senior High School, students created original labels and sold the products. The school, which regularly engages in activities related to fair trade themes, included our Malawi coffee in their initiative this time. Moving forward, we will continue to explore and collaborate on roasting methods, sales strategies, and branding efforts!

●Case Study 15:St.Ursula Gakuin Eichi High School

At St. Ursula Gakuin Eichi High School, they used Malawi coffee at the Aoba Ward Residents’ Festival. By utilizing the coffee at this regional event, it provided an opportunity for many people in Japan to learn about the children of Malawi and the appeal of Malawian coffee. Thank you very much for your support!

●Case Study 16:Junshin Junior High School and Junshin Girls’ High School

At Junshin Junior and Senior High School for Girls in Nagasaki, students engaged in volunteer activities by selling Malawian coffee. The experience of selling charity goods for the first time during the sales event in November 2023 was undoubtedly a valuable experience for the students. We look forward to collaborating on various activities in the future!

●Case Study 17:Academy for the International Community in Japan

At AICJ Junior and Senior High School in Hiroshima, after engaging in volunteer activities since 2021, the students organized a coffee sale event in October 2023. The students took the lead in planning and even created the posters from scratch. Through over a year of volunteer activities, they learned about Malawi and poverty, culminating in the actual coffee sale. We are very grateful for their efforts and look forward to continued collaboration!

●Case Study 18:Kagoshima High School

At Kagoshima High School, students sold coffee to support Malawi during their centennial cultural festival.

In prior to the event, they took the time to prepare by making and tasting the coffee themselves, and creating introduction posters and drip pack labels. Their first sales event resulted in a donation equivalent to approximately 2,600 school meals for the local community in Malawi!

●Case Study 19:Shokei Junior High and High School

At Shokei Junior and Senior High School, students watched the movie “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind,” which tells the story of a Malawian boy who diligently studied science and implemented wind power to save his community from drought. This film inspired the students, helping them realize that Japan can learn from Malawi and think about what they can do to support Malawi.

Additionally, they had the opportunity to hear from a Japanese individual working at a school in Malawi. This further motivated the students to develop their own brand of products and sell coffee in collaboration with us.

This unique educational experience led to the creation of an actual product, with customers purchasing it, and the proceeds going towards support efforts. It has been an excellent learning experience, connecting classroom learning with real-world impact.

●Case Study 20:KOEN Girls’ Junior and Senior High School

At KOEN Girls’ Junior and Senior High School, they started a special course titled “Let’s Participate in the Activities of International NPO Seibo!” from the third semester of the 2022 school year. During a social gathering, they sold original drip packs of coffee and other items.

In this course, students learned basic information about Malawi, as well as knowledge about NPOs, marketing, and branding. They also interacted with interns and university students who visited the school through Seibo, using the advice they received to prepare for the social gathering.

On the day of the event, more customers visited their booth than expected, leading to a temporary shortage of coffee for sale. However, the students were able to respond flexibly, and ultimately, they were able to provide support equivalent to approximately 13,440 meals. Through this activity, the students learned the importance of proactive and self-initiated actions, a mindset they will carry forward in their future volunteer activities.

●Case Study 21:Fukuoka Futaba Junior and High School

At Fukuoka Futaba Junior and Senior High School, the Christian Studies Club hosts a fair trade café at their annual Futaba Festival (cultural festival). In March 2024, they organized a White Day event, selling drip packs and chocolates to students and teachers. Alongside the sales, they also held an exhibition about fair trade under the slogan “Understanding Leads to Support!” which helped raise interest among many students.

Looking ahead, the Fukuoka Futaba Christian Studies Club aims to extend their activities beyond the school.

●Case Study 22:Salesian Polytechnic

At the Salesian Polytechnic’s Ikuei Festival, we have received support through the sale of coffee from Malawi. We are grateful for the support of the Ikuei Gakuin Educational Corporation, to which our school belongs, which oversees various Salesian schools.

In Malawi, one of the key person behind the vocational training center Beehive, which supports school meals, is an alumni of a Salesian school in the local area. This center has a deep connections with Seibo as well.

We hope to continue our activities together, expanding the circle of meal support and contributing to the development of young people around the world.


●Case Study 23:Hibarigakaoka Gakuen Junior and High School

Students from Hibarigaoka Gakuen Junior and Senior High School in Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture, participated in volunteer activities through the school’s Volunteer Club, where they sold coffee to support school meals in Malawi. They discussed fair trade mechanisms, information about Malawi, and strategies for selling coffee during their classes, which led to this practical initiative.

In the future, they plan to continue collaborating through cultural festivals and other events.

●Case Study 24:Hikarigaoka Gakuen Junior and High School

Our ESD Club is a school club where we learn about social issues encountered in daily life and collectively brainstorm solutions. Our activities mainly involve deepening our understanding through activities such as trade games, and engaging in project activities where we form groups with like-minded individuals and take action towards building a sustainable society. Through dialogue with other students, each of us becomes aware of our own strengths and works together with others to take action for a better world. We believe in ourselves, in others, and in creating a future full of hope, so we enjoy our activities with enthusiasm.

●Case Study 25:Okinawa Prefectural Naha International Senior High School

Okinawa Prefectural Naha International Senior High School provided school meal support by selling Malawian coffee from June 13th to 14th, 2024. Despite the short time preparing for the event, the coffee-loving students came together to make the event a success. We look forward to continuing our activities together in the future.

●Case Study 26:Shizuoka Salesio Junior and Senior High School

We, the Servant Leaders of Shizuoka Salesio, are selling Malawian coffee at our school festival. During the COVID-19 period, our seniors held multiple online meetings with Mr. Makoto Yamada, the representative of the NPO Seibo, where they learned about the current situation in Malawi and how selling coffee can contribute to social issues. To support the children’s school meals, we created posters and other materials. As a result, we sold out at last year’s school festival.

We are pleased that in 2024, many people purchased the coffee, providing an opportunity for more people to learn about the activities of NPO Seibo and the current situation in Malawi. Researching Warm Hearts Coffee, reading various articles, and actually selling the coffee gave us a deeper understanding of the importance of coffee. Through this sale, we have become more aware of the situation in Malawi.

Looking ahead, we aim to continue contributing through activities that address global issues within our capacity.

●Case Study 27:Seiko Gakuin Junior and High School

We collaborated with Seiko Gakuin Junior and High School to hold joint classes with multiple schools, and through the efforts of the dedicated students, the sale of Malawi coffee and tea resulted in raising enough funds for approximately 29,000 meals. We are grateful for the valuable opportunity to learn and interact with the students. Thank you very much.

●Case Study 28:Toyohashi Chuo High School

We are collaborating with Toyohashi Chuo High School on the Future Exploration Project. In this project, the students are mindful of the growing child population in Malawi and how supporting them is connected to thinking about the future. As part of this, they are selling locally produced coffee and tea from Malawi.

Considering future generations helps foster an awareness of sustainable futures, promoting a culture of ethical products and habits. Additionally, the project emphasizes interactions with local communities. On August 3, 2024, there was an event called Toyohashi Civic Pride, which focuses on collaborating with the people of Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, to think about the future of the local area.

Through this Future Exploration Project, Toyohashi Chuo High School aims to deepen connections between global and local futures in collaboration with the NPO Seibo. We also hope to address local issues and explore promotional activities through product collaborations.

●Case Study 29:Hyogo Prefectural Ikawadani High School

Students at Hyogo Prefectural Ikawadani High School, particularly the members of the Volunteer Club, are actively engaged in various initiatives, including addressing the issue of abandoned bamboo forests. As part of their efforts to promote international understanding, they also handled Malawi coffee. In August 2024, they participated in the Volunteer Awards. Through their efforts in supporting school meals in Malawi via coffee sales, they were able to contribute approximately 16,000 meals for children.

●Case Study 30:Eisugakkan High School

Eisugakkan High School in Hiroshima Prefecture has been actively involved in local volunteer activities, including selling coffee at the Fukuyama Rose Festival and participating in the Volunteer Awards. In addition to these local efforts, they have also engaged in international support activities, including initiatives in Malawi. Through the sale of Malawi coffee, they have provided significant support.

We look forward to continuing to work together, focusing on activities that connect with the local community while also expanding our efforts from Hiroshima to the world.

●Case Study 31:Miyazaki Prefectural Miyazaki Minami High School

Miyazaki Minami High School students became interested in social business after participating in the Global Leadership Program conducted by Miyazaki International College. As a result, they sold products at their school festival. They also took the opportunity to report on their activities with local universities and other high school students in Miyazaki Prefecture, continuously engaging in socially entrepreneurial activities while still in school.
We look forward to supporting their efforts in the future as they continue their impactful work.

●Case Study 32:Tokushima Municipal High School

From November 2 to 3, 2024, we collaborated with the JRC Club and Home Economics Club of Tokushima Municipal High School to sell Malawi coffee and donuts at the Hometown Carnival – Awa Tanuki Festival in Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture. Tokushima City places a strong emphasis on ethical education and has established connections between universities, high schools, and the local community. We hope that supporting children in Malawi can also lead to benefits for local children and the promotion of Tokushima’s specialties alongside Malawi’s contributions.

The students actively participated in the event, informing visitors about how the sales would support school meal programs. The donuts sold alongside the coffee were very well received, making the sales a great success!

Universities × Warm Hearts Coffee Club

Warm Hearts Coffee is happy to say that we not only host events at high schools across Japan, but also engage with and actively keep in contact with a number of universities!

●Case Study 1:Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

A student group named Bara Bara has sold Malawian coffee there.
At a school festival focused on foreign languages and culture, Malawian coffee was sold to both students and guests. By the end of the event, the monetary donations translated to roughly 6,200 school lunches in Malawi, almost entirely through the sale of 10 gram drip packs. Being able to sell that much coffee and garner so many donations was absolutely astounding!

●Case Study 2:Sophia University

Being a member of the Sophia Association as an alumni, I’ve been honored to continue working with the campus throughout the years in many forms of social outreach. Whether in selling Malawian coffee on campus or organizing events with the faculty with the aim of reaching out to students, I hope Seibo Japan can continue to provide a unique side of Africa to the university for years to come!

If you are interested our activities as one of a Sophia family, please find thisand see the committee called Social Contribution Promotion Committee.

●Case Study 3:Rikkyo University

Warm Hearts Coffee Club was provided the unique opportunity of working with the College of Tourism at Rikkyo University, with students and faculty inviting us to sell coffee at a school festival. The university organized a number of events in Yokoze, Saitama, allowing Warm Hearts Coffee Club to also set up a booth. This festival saw Rikkyo students, representatives from the Yokoze Tourism Association, town hall, and even members of Seibu Railway in attendance, offering a large customer base to reach out to!

●Case Study 4:Tsuda Outreach

Tsuda Outreach, a student group based in Tsuda University, not only posted information regarding Warm Hearts Coffee Club and its mission concerning Malawi, but also sold products provided by our organization.

Tsuda Outreach is a group concerned mainly with assisting in the activities of various NPOs, providing a unique platform for organizations to spread information online or reach groups they might not have been able to otherwise. If you would like to know further, please find it from here!

●Case Study 5:Niigata University

The members of the Niigata University International Volunteer Circle used Malawi coffee at the school festival and in collaboration with the Niigata NGO Network. Usually, they are engaged in international volunteer activities such as refugee support. We hope to continue working together on meaningful activities in the future.

●Case Study 6:Kanagawa University

The members of the Kanagawa University Coffee Club used coffee at the school festival and got involved in supporting school meals in Malawi! By treating it as specialty coffee and promoting it within the university club, we believe it has helped to spread the goodness of Malawi and the charity activities further. Thank you very much for the opportunity to share the story of the coffee!

●Case Study 7:Seibi Gakuen College

The members of Seibi Gakuen College raised donations equivalent to about 2,000 school meals through the sale of coffee at their school festival. We are grateful for this valuable opportunity. We are also grateful for the support in extracurricular activities at the sister school, Salesian International School Junior and Senior High School. Thank you for your continued support.

●Case Study 8:Seisen Jogakuin College

Seisen Jogakuin College, through the Seisen Peace Learning Project, they designed original labels on Malawi coffee and sold as thier original products, contributing to school meal support in Malawi. Thank you for using this valuable opportunity! In addition, the university is also conducting support activities for people in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip. We hope to increase the number of people who can bring peace through school education and reach out to children in Malawi with school meals.

●Case Study 9:Doshisha University

The theology students at Doshisha University, who lead the Philia group supporting children with pediatric cancer, have been handling Malawi coffee at various events! We are very happy to be able to collaborate to brighten the future for children with pediatric cancer and children in Malawi. Thank you for your continued support!

●Case Study 10:Tsu City College

The members of the Tsu City College, Fair Trade Club held a fair trade product sale and activity introduction at the December school festival. For product sales, they sold fair trade products, including Malawi fair trade coffee, from the fair trade specialty store “Fu’s” in Nagoya. In their activity promotion, they visually explained what fair trade is, displaying photos of pasta made with Cambodian black pepper and introducing initiatives in Inabe City. Over 100 people attended, making it a significant impact. They also greatly contributed to school meal support for children in Malawi!

●Case Study 11:University of Tsukuba

NPO Seibo is working with the Japan-Malawi Student Group at the University of Tsukuba, providing Malawian coffee and promoting school meal support at events. Through events and exchange meetings, we aim to contribute to spreading the good aspects of Malawi in Japan. Below is an introduction from the group.

The Japan-Malawi Student Group at the University of Tsukuba, established in 2015, focuses on activities related to Africa. With the mission of “becoming a bridge between Japan and Malawi,” we engage in various activities, such as travel to Malawi, exchange with African international students, visiting international cooperation organizations like JICA Tsukuba, and participating in school festivals. Last year, with the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions, we were able to travel for the first time in four years. While our activities vary annually based on the interests of our members, our common goal is to increase awareness of Malawi and improve the image of Malawi and Africa among Japanese people.

●Case Study 12:Kanazawa Seiryo University

Message from Fair Trade as Global Commons (FTGs) at Kanazawa Seiryo University:
We set up a booth for participants to create original labels. We explained that the fair trade coffee from Warm Hearts Coffee is from Malawi and that part of the sales proceeds support school meals. We also prepared a map of Malawi to make the information more engaging. Participants were curious about the country, wondering what kind of country Malawi is and learning that school meals are not taken for granted. We felt that their interest in fair trade increased.

We believe that raising awareness is the most important step in solving fair trade issues. Therefore, we are very pleased to have had the opportunity to educate more people about fair trade with the cooperation of Warm Hearts Coffee. We will continue our activities, so thank you for your support.

●Case Study 13:Hiroshima University

The Hiroshima University Coffee Club, Repos, supported us by selling Malawi coffee at the Yukata Festival, the university festival. The name “Repos” means “a moment of rest” in French, reflecting the club’s aim to provide a relaxing break for students in their university life. Their regular activities include comparing different coffee beans and creating tasting notes.

●Case Study 14:Osaka Jogakuin University

Together with the “Female Business Leadership” class at Osaka Jogakuin University, we implemented the “Malawi Coffee Project.” The students provided feedback, stating that through this project, they were able not only to support school meals for children in Malawi but also to deepen their understanding of business structures and leadership.

For the coffee sales, they utilized social media to raise awareness and generate interest. They also prepared posters and videos, with each member making sure to engage with customers personally to share information about the situation in Malawi. By helping people understand the project and the support it provides, they successfully encouraged purchases. One member reflected, “I realized how important it is to fully understand the product.”

Applying Coffee as a Source of Learning

Throughout all of these examples above, I was struck by how students from different backgrounds or schools engaged with our organization in unique ways.
By allowing students to take the material we cover and engage with it in their own ways, it allows them to develop real world problem-solving skills they might not have had the chance to practice if they were to absorb information through more passive learning.
Many of the students that we’ve been fortunate to work with were able to learn more about international issues, organizing activities on the ground with the aim of educating others about the world abroad!

“Would you be interested in hosting events like these at your school?”

If you are interested in collaborating with us in these activities, please contact from here!

1. Learn more about the unique social issues that Malawi faces, and how Seibo Japan and it’s partners are attempting to find solutions

Makoto Yamada, the primary representative for Seibo Japan, has experience with and continues to provide in-depth lectures regarding Malawi and how work can be done domestically to support the country and its communities. Along with this overview, Makoto Yamada can show how business focused specifically on solving social problems can be done, drawing from past examples and events held by Seibo Japan and its collaborators.

2. Learn more about fair trade

For more structured lectures, we are happy to provide courses regarding fair trade, and how it can be achieved or challenges that get in the way of its application.

3. Actively participate with and learn how NPOs operate

By involving students in the actual events held by Seibo Japan, the volunteers are given a real world opportunity to engage with an NPO through selling fair trade coffee or even helping to plan out sales. Through this involvement, this allows students across Japan to contribute to the larger international community.

4. Learn directly from locals in Malawi, sharing their own experiences

Seibo Japan is happy to offer online video chats with our partners in Malawi, further connecting local students to communities across the world. Through hosting calls concerned with teaching students about local Malawian food, culture, schools, etc, this allows students to deepen their understanding for the country they are learning about in lectures or hosting events for.

Contact us from hereabout any questions or requests.

This is Makoto Yamada, the acting representative and manager of Seibo operations in Japan. If you or your organization is interested in learning more about our operations, please feel free to contact! We believe that through events like those described above, students across Japan are able to learn more about countries and people across the world and feel more connected to the wider world. We look forward to hearing more from you!