Welcome To The Warm Hearts Coffee Club

Warm Hearts Coffee: About Us

Picture a beautiful mountainous region, with a patchwork of bright greens and rich soil. The high altitude is ideal for coffee trees that eventually produces a smooth, full bodied, and slightly floral African taste. This is the northern region of Malawi, where we source our coffee beans.

Mission Statement/Our Mission

Our mission is to:

-Provide our members with 100% Organic & Fair-Trade coffee from Malawi.

-To donate our online proceeds to Seibo Japan, to support school feeding in Malawi.

-To inspire a culture of giving!

Malawi truly is The Warm Heart of Africa and has the perfect climate for growing coffee. The people are kind and charitable, willing to give to complete strangers. We want to give back, to show them we appreciate their kindness!

When you purchase from Warm Hearts Coffee,  sales are given back to Malawi in the form of school meals.

How is this charity business model possible?

We have been lucky to have the support of several corporate donors. The costs are underwritten and paid for by our corporate donors in full! In addition, our UK-based donor who provide SIM cards to tourists have committed to paying commissions to our partner affiliates. This enables us to keep our promise – our proceeds will be used for charity!

Why Malawi?

Coffee provides a livelihood for some 125 million people on this planet- almost the entire population of Japan. Coffee growers work in beautiful locations but many live in poverty. Malawi- known as the “Warm Heart of Africa”- is no exception. Despite being located in the cradle of coffee on the African continent and being home to the oldest tea bushes in Africa, Malawi’s coffee & tea remains relatively unknown.
In addition Malawi remains poor. 51% of the population are children. More than half its people are under-14 years & another 20% are aged between 15-24- that’s a lot of of school age kids. According to the World Fact Book Malawi’s GDP is one of the lowest in the world. The future of Malawi lies with the children who need our support.

The Warm Hearts Coffee Club aim to create a coffee club with a “Warm Heart” – a community of coffee and tea lovers who care for our planet, who want a stronger personal relationship with the coffee farmers and who care how their tea & coffee is grown. Coffee & Tea has always brought people together. The Warm Hearts Coffee Club is no different. We also hope to inspire a culture of giving by using all proceeds generated to provide school meals for hungry children around the world, starting with Malawi, through our partner Seibo Japan and through partnership with like-minded Not-For Profit Organisations.

About Malawian Coffee

Coffee in Malawi grows in high areas, with elevations starting from 1,000 metres above sea level. It is mainly cultivated in the mountains of the Northern Region, where climate conditions are particularly good for the crop. Planting coffee is also a soil conservation measure in these areas, where erosion is a widespread problem. Coffee is mainly planted by smallholders, so it is often inter-cropped with other species in order to supply food to the household.
In comparison to its neighbours Malawi has a more recent history of growing coffee.The first coffee was introduced in the 1870s from the Botanical Garden in Edinburgh, Scotland. Initial efforts were hampered by wilt but later stronger varieties such as the Geisha and Agaro were introduced from Ethiopia which make up most of the coffee harvests today- of which 100% of the coffee is Arabica beans. The coffee itself is smooth and full bodied and like all good African coffees slightly floral.

About Malawian Tea

Malawi was the 1st country in Africa to grow tea on a commercial scale- which began as an alternative crop to coffee. The majority of the tea grown in Malawi today is exported to the UK & South Africa. Isolated in geographical and market terms, landlocked and far from the nearest port Malawi has had no choice but to innovate and in recent years tea producers are putting more efforts into producing speciality teas. Malawi’s tea industry is also one of the largest employers of women, with over 51% of the workforce female. The Warm Hearts Coffee Club has chosen to work with the most innovative tea producer- Satemwa Estate to provide our membership with quality speciality teas.

About Seibo Japan

Seibo is an International School Feeding NGO headquartered in Japan that aims to be at the forefront of a global movement that will impact our world forever. Since feeding 663 children at nursery schools affected by flooding in February 2016 the organisation have expanded to feed over 14,000 children daily in 2017. Supported by donors in Japan & a team of volunteers in Malawi we hope to support this growth and an emerging coffee industry through sustainable coffee subscriptions.
See: www.seibojapan.or.jp